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Affidavit for Proof of Income(Drafting)

Affidavit for Proof of Income(Drafting) can help you file a professional reply to a trademark objection in 5 to 10 working days, subject to government and client processing time.

What is an Income certificate?

An Income certificate is a document which certifies an annual income of a family or person. Income certificate includes details about the income of an individual or a family that is earned from various sources.

Why is Income certificate required?

An Income certificate may be required for any of the following reaons:
•   To get admissions in educational institutions under the reserved quota.
•   To avail the benefits of certain schemes offered by the State Government.
•   To be bestowed with the rights of receiving plots of lands or flats offered by the Government under certain schemes.
•   To obtain benefits such as an old-age pension, widow pension and agricultural labour pension.

Documents required for making Income certificate

Documents required for making Income certificate



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LV Assured


Fill Details Online
customize our template agreement as per your requirement and submit the draft


Stamping and Printing
We print the agreement on a legal stamp paper


Agreement is Delivered!
We deliver the printed agreement to you in 3-4 days.

Our Promise

Lowest Prices
Best-inclass legal documentation at attractive prices

Legally Valid
Make genuine documents which are legally valid in court of law

100% convenience. 0% Stress.
Get delighted with super fast documentation at the convenience of your home.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

An affidavit for proof of income, like any other legal document must be drafted carefully. It is vital that the document should not contain statements that have no basis or statements that are incorrect. The content of the affidavit must be confined to facts that the deponent can prove. Never include facts based on information outside of deponent’s knowledge or based on information received from elsewhere.

When you use our pre-drafted form, you have to ensure that your name and your address are clearly entered Once you finish filling the form with relevant details, you can either print it yourself or you can let us print and deliver it to you.
The Oaths Act 1969 governs the validation of affidavits. The Act tells us which courts and which officials have the power to witness and validate an affidavit. Once you have a print out of the document you prepared (on Stamp paper), get a Notary to attest it. This should make your document valid.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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