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Caste Certificate

Apply for Caste Certificate

      * For Rs. 799

    What is Caste Certificate?

    A Caste Certificate is the proof of one’s belonging to a particular caste, especially in case one belongs to any of the ‘Scheduled Castes’, as specified in the Indian Constitution. Caste certificate is important for each and every individual in India, and at the same time, you cannot apply for caste certificate online in all states. Few of the state government and district administration bodies don’t wish to issue/support an online application in order to get caste Certificate.

    There is one more misconception in this regard, please note that caste certificate and caste validity are NOT same. Yes, Caste Certificate is a document which states your caste, while Cast Validity certificate validates your caste certificate. Basically it is a proof that your caste certificate is not dubious or inaccurate.

    Documents Required For Caste Certificate:



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    Additional Proof For Caste Certificate

    There are few special cases where you need to submit the additional proof of documents. Below we have listed all the documents required in each scenario.
    Case:1: Dont have father’s Caste Certificate: In this case you need to submit all the caste certificate documents of your blood relative.

    Case 2: Married Women: If you are applying for caste certificate after your marriage then you need to submit the caste proof before marriage and the marriage certificate. In case if you have changed your name after marriage then provide Name Change Notification in Gazette.

    Case 3: Religion Conversion: If you have converted your religion then you need to proof of caste before conversion.

    Case 4: Migration from Other State or District: If you have migrated from other state or district then you need to provide father’s caste proof issued by a state or district from which you have migrated.

    When do you need Caste Certificate?

    School Admissions
    Government subsidies
    College admissions
    Employment in reserved category
    Competitive examinations
    Housing and self-employment schemes
    Allotment of house sites

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)

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