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HUF Deed (Drafting)

HUF Deed (Drafting) can help you file a professional reply to a trademark objection in 5 to 10 working days, subject to government and client processing time.

What is a HUF?

HUF stands for Hindu Undivided Family wherein the Income that is being earned belongs to the whole family and not to any specific individual. As the Income is being generated in the hands of the whole family, this income cannot be taxed in the hands of the family but is taxed in the hands of the HUF. HUFis treated as a ‘person’ under section 2(31) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (herein after referred to as ‘the Act’). HUF is a separate entity for the purpose of assessment under the Act.

What is a HUF Deed?

The HUF Deed is a written formal document on a Stamp Paper that consists details of karta, members of the HUF, the source of funds, and the likes of it. The Deed acts as proof of the existence of the entity that has been formed. The eldest male member of the HUF becomes the Karta of the HUF.
HUF may be formed with or without a legal deed, though it is always advisable to pursue a business with a written document. The document should include a declaration by a family member for the name of the Karta, powers vested with the Karta, and the entitlement of the Karta to hold the transactions on behalf of its members. In addition to it, the document should state the capital that was invested in forming the HUF.

Documents required for HUF


PAN Card


ID Proof(Driving License/Passport/Voter ID)


Electricity Bill or any other utility bill for the address proof



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We print the agreement on a legal stamp paper


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We deliver the printed agreement to you in 3-4 days.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Birth of a son in a Hindu joint family automatically makes him a member of the HUF. In view of this, all male members and unmarried daughters automatically become members of the HUF. In addition to that, if a child is adopted, then he also becomes a member of the HUF. Moreover, upon marriage, a wife becomes a member of her husband’s joint family.
No HUF arises only from status.
Yes. A family consists of all persons lineally descended from a common ancestor and includes their wives and unmarried daughters.
It is the property, which a man inherits from any of his three immediate male ancestors, i.e., father, grandfather, and great-grandfather.
Yes. As so long as the property which was originally of the joint Hindu family remains in the hands of the widows of the member of the family and is not divided, HUF can continue with female members.
Gift by Karta of HUF, a movable property or an immovable property within reasonable limits in favor of his daughter is permissible on the occasion of her marriage.
All members;
A son in the womb of his mother at the time of partition;
No. A single person cannot constitute HUF. There have to be minimum two members to constitute a HUF.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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