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Marriage Certificate

Apply for Marriage Certificate

      * For Rs. 799

    What is Marriage Registration?

    Marriage registration is one of the most important tasks connecting to a wedding. It can be handled through the Hindu Marriage Act or Special Marriage Act done by couples getting married irrespective of their religions. A registration helps both partners in a marriage, either before, with issues during, or if a spouse passes away. A marriage certificate is needed to help with any official work relating to the marriage.

    Here are a few things to know about registering a marriage in India.

    As mentioned earlier, with regard to getting your name changed, a marriage certificate plays a major role. Making changes to your last name on all official documentation without a marriage certificate needs a lot of effort and a ton of additional documentation. Furthermore, it helps when applying for visas since the system sees the couple as a married couple and not two individuals travelling individually.

    In India, depending on whether you are a Hindu or belonging to any other religion, you have to register under the Special Marriage Act or the Hindu Marriage Act. There aren’t many differences between the two forms, however, it takes a longer time to process a marriage under the Special Registration Act. Secondly, if one of the marrying partners belongs to a religion other than Hinduism, the couple has to register under the Special Marriage Act.

    Handling the marriage process offline can be quite time-consuming. If you are registering your marriage through the Hindu Marriage Act, the couple getting married have to register under the sub-registrar, where the marriage was solemnized or either of them has been living for at least six months.
    Under the Special Marriage Act, they have to provide a 30-day notice to the sub-registrar and a copy of this notice is added to their notice boards. If there are no objections to their marriage it is pushed forward.

    Documents Required

    Depending on the circumstances of the marriage, a certificate of conversion, divorce, or death.

    You can also handle the entire registration remotely through the internet. It saves time and trouble of travelling, which is especially helpful if you are working far from home. All you have to do is download the forms, fill them out, and submit them. You still have to show up on the date of your appointment but that still saves you the previous trips of gathering the forms, documents, and details needed.

    Although the Indian Government does recognize marriages that have been handled by religious institutions, to get assistance for official work through Government offices can be quite difficult without a marriage certificate. As previously mentioned, getting a marriage certificate is one of the most important documents to be handled. What are you waiting for? Register your marriage now!

    The process of registering a marriage under the Marriage Act:

    You can apply at the office of the Sub-Divisional Magistrate in whose jurisdiction the husband or wife resides on any working day to get the ball rolling on the marriage registration. Fill the Application form duly signed by both husband and wife. Verification of all the documents is carried out on the date of application and a day is fixed for the appointment, and both parties are given that date. On the said day, the to-be husband and to-be wife, along with a Gazetted Officer who attended their marriage, need to be present before the ADM. The Marriage Certificate is issued on the same day.



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    Benefits of a Marriage Certificate

    Time taken to get the certificate

    As per the rules, you should get the marriage certificate within three working days. However, in reality, it may take up anything between ten to fifteen days.


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