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NGO/Trust Registration

Apply for NGO/Trust Registration

    What is NGO/Trust Registration?

    One of the main benefits of running a NGO is that you have an opportunity to serve the community via funds and volunteer work. It’s also an opportunity to solve an issue, which is not good for the community.
    Trust is the most common way of starting a NPO or NGO, with the objectives of demolish poverty, providing education and offering medical relief. It can also promote arts, science and literature.

    As per the Indian Trust Act 1882, under in a trust, owner (trustor) can transfer the property to trustee for the benefit of a beneficiary, along with a edict that -the trustee should hold the property for the beneficiaries of the Trust..

    Our services would be restricted in providing assistance and liasoning with government officials in obtain the required registration/certificate.
    Our fee does not include payment of any type of facilitation payment charged by public or government officials as a way of ensuring that they perform their duty, either more promptly or at all. If we are required by applicable law, legal process or government officials’ action to pay such amount, such payment should only be made after consultation with you and you shall reimburse us for any professional time and expenses incurred to respond to the request.

    Trust can be

    Private  Trust

    1. In this, the beneficiaries include families or individuals. It is subdivided into –
            a. whose beneficiaries and their shares both can be determined
            b. whose both or either the beneficiaries and their shares cannot be determined

    Public  Trust

    1. In this, the beneficiaries include the public.
    2. It can be further subdivided –
            a. Public Charitable Trust
            b. Public Religious Trust

    As the trust regulated by State Government, different states in India have different Trusts Acts for their regulation. If by any instance, there is an absence of a Trusts Act in any particular state or territory, the general regulations of the Indian Trusts Act 1882 are applied to the trust registered in that region.

    Key Highlights of NGO/Trust

    Easy Management
    of registering trust is very low in comparatively to other NGO
    Annual Returns - There is no requirement of annual return filing
    Tax benefits under Income Tax Act

    Constitution of the Trust

    Author/Founder/Settlor of the trust
    Managing trustee(s)
    Other trustees
    The quorum of the Board of Trustees shall not exceed a maximum of 21 members.



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    Trust Deed

    A Trust is registered and regulated through Trust Deed. The Trust deed is an official shape of an NGO which includes the support and recognition of law along with the objects, rules and guidelines for the operation of Trust.
    The trust deed shall be executed on stamp paper and the value of the stamp paper will be dependent on the value of the capital invested by the members in the Trust.
    The trust deed has to be signed by both the settler and trustees in the presence of two witnesses

    Contents of Trust Deed

    The Bible of any charitable trust is the trust deed the aiming the objects and mode of management. A trust Deed shall include –

    Number and details of trustees
    Name of the trust
    The registered office of the trust
    Powers and functions of the Managing Trustee and other Trustees
    Details of the Author of the Trust
    Corpus/Assets of the Trust
    Plenum of the board with their qualification, terms and tenure
    Closure and amendment of the trust deed and the applicability of the Act

    Registration Process of NGO/Trust


    Choose an Appropriate Name for the Trust


    Formulate Trust Deed


    Submit the Trust Deed with The Registrar


    Obtain the trust Registration Number

    Benefits of Trust/NGO Registration

    Documents Required

    Compliances of Trust/NGO

    Accounts Book Keeping - Monthly
    Annual ITR filings
    GST registration - if applicable
    Shops and Establishment License - in case of employment
    Professional Tax Registration - if applicable

    Other Certificates Which can be Required in Order to Avail More Benefits

    80G Certificate

    Under Income Tax Act, 1961, it exempts an individual or organization making a donation to a Trust from paying tax (partially or fully) on the donated amount

    FCRA Registration

    Organizations seeking foreign contributions in order to promote their activities/ work mentioned in their company object have to obtain FCRA registration. According to the regulation, it shall not receive any foreign contribution without the Government’s approval

    12A Registration

    Under Income Tax Act, 1961, it is a one-time registration issued by Income Tax Department. This certificate exempts a NGO from paying income tax on the surplus income

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)

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