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Voter ID Card

Apply for Voter ID Card

      * For Rs. 299

    A voter ID card is an accepted form of personal identification in India as it is issued by a government body. The voter ID consists of the following details:
    • A unique Serial number
    • Photograph of the cardholder
    • A hologram containing respective state/national symbol
    •  Name of card holder
    •  father’s Name of card holder
    •  Gender
    •  Card holder’s
    •  Card holder’s date of Birth
    The card holder’s residential address and signature of the issuing authority (Electoral registration officer) are on the rear side of the voter ID card.

    Required Documents



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    Voter ID Card Eligibility:

    An Indian Citizen

    18 Years of Age

    Applicant must have Permanent Address

    Points to note before applying for a Voter ID

    Voter ID is an important document required for an Indian citizen as it enables him/her to exercise a fundamental duty of voting in democratic elections. Voter ID also serves as a proof of identity and address. Here are the following things to keep a note of:
    •   Applicants must be of a minimum legal age of 18 years
    •   They should be of sound mind, free of criminal charges and not financially bankrupt
    •   They should fill out the relevant documents such as Form 6 and ensure that they provide relevant original documents
    •   Applicants must solely apply for Voter ID only through government or government approved websites and centres
    •   Applicants must ensure details such as spelling of their name, date of birth, address and so on are correct
    •   Applicants must also ensure that all information that is provided is legally correct in all aspects
    •   On successfully receiving the Voter ID, applicants must re-verify their documents and Voter ID to see if the information is correct.

    How to Verify Voter ID?

    Applicants can verify their Voter ID if they suspect their ID to be a counterfeit by using their Voter ID number. The applicant will have to visit the official website of the Chief Electoral Officer of their state or the nearest state election office. In doing so they must search and check if their name is present in the electoral roll, following which they can cross verify the details. If there are any discrepancies the applicant must bring it to the notice of the Chief Electoral Officer.

    Uses of Voter ID

    •   The card serves as a proof of identity and address
    •   Voter ID Card is an acknowledgement that the cardholder is a registered voter
    •   Voter ID has several personal identification features such as the cardholder’s signature & photograph
    •   The Voter ID card can be utilised to avail certain government schemes

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    As per the Representation of People Act, 1950 the cut off date to determine the qualifying age of an applicant is 1st of January of the year in which the electoral roll is made or prepared. For example, in a case where you complete 18 years on or after 2nd January 2019, you will qualify for registration as a voter in the electoral roll prepared after 1 January 2020.
    You can download application for enrolment for voter id in form 6 from the website of Election Commission of India You can also obtain Form 6 from any of the offices of Electoral Registration Officers or the Assistant Electoral Registration Officers and the Booth Level Officers of the respective polling station areas.
    You can download application for enrolment for voter id in form 6 from the website of Election Commission of India You can also obtain Form 6 from any of the offices of Electoral Registration Officers or the Assistant Electoral Registration Officers and the Booth Level Officers of the respective polling station areas.
    You can download application for enrolment for voter id in form 6 from the website of Election Commission of India You can also obtain Form 6 from any of the offices of Electoral Registration Officers or the Assistant Electoral Registration Officers and the Booth Level Officers of the respective polling station areas.
    You can make an online application on the website of Election Commission of India, or on the website of the Chief Electoral Officer (CEOs) of your state. You need to upload copies of all proofs along with the application.
    You can submit documents such as Passport, Driving license, Bank Pass Book, Aadhaar card etc. or any government document as address proof.

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)

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