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What is the full form of CPWD?


CPWD stands for the Central Public Works Department. It is a public works agency of the Indian government.

In India, the Public Works Department functions as the centralized authority responsible for overseeing all public service activities and development projects.

CPWD, or the Central Public Works Department, is an Indian government entity tasked with the national construction and maintenance of public services. This includes government buildings, bridges, highways, public transit, drinking water supplies, and various other infrastructure projects.

History of CPWD

The CPWD (Central Public Works Department) has a rich and significant history in India, dating back to the days of the British Raj. In that era, the PWD (Public Works Department) was responsible for the development and maintenance of public buildings, roads, and other infrastructure across the country.

The PWD (Public Works Department) played a pivotal role in the construction of modern India, contributing to the development of iconic landmarks such as the Taj Mahal, the Red Fort, and the Rashtrapati Bhavan (the President’s House).

In 1971, the Public Works Department underwent a name change and became the Central Public Works Department. With this transformation, its mandate was broadened to include the construction and maintenance of public buildings and infrastructure across the entire country.

Responsibilities of CPWD

The Central Public Works Department, or CPWD, is responsible for a variety of tasks, including:

If any government infrastructure, such as schools, roadways, or hospitals, is damaged, it is the responsibility of the CPWD to repair it.

The Central Public Works Department is in charge of providing safe drinking water to their community as well as repairing the broken water pipeline.

In India, the Central Public Works Development Authority is responsible for the planning and construction of all government public projects. The security of roads and highways. The construction and development of highways, the maintenance and upgrading of government buildings, and so on.

Objectives of CPWD

Among the CPWD’s primary goals are:

To plan, design, and build public infrastructure projects on time and within budget.
To maintain and administer the government’s public infrastructure assets, such as roads, bridges, buildings, and other structures.
To assist other government departments and agencies in the planning, design, and building of public infrastructure projects by providing technical and engineering support.
Adopting best practices and technology in public infrastructure building and maintenance to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
Ensure that all public infrastructure projects are developed and built in conformity with all applicable laws, rules, and standards.

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