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APEDA Registration

Apply for APEDA

    What is APEDA?

    Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) is a government organization established in 1985 through an act for the development and promotion of export of scheduled products. It provides financial assistance, information, guidelines towards the development of scheduled products. The products specified under the APEDA ACT are called schedule products and exporters of such scheduled products are required register under APEDA.

    Applications of APEDA

    Fruits, Vegetables and their Products.

    Meat and Meat Products.

    Poultry and Poultry Products.

    Dairy Products.

    Confectionery, Biscuits and Bakery Products.

    Honey, Jaggery and Sugar Products.

    Cocoa and its products, chocolates of all kinds.

    Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages.

    Cereal and Cereal Products.

    Pickles, Papads and Chutneys.

    Herbal and Medicinal Plants.

    Floriculture and Floriculture Products.

    In accordance with the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act, 1985, (2 of 1986) the following functions have been assigned to the Authority.

    Development of industries relating to the scheduled products for export by way of providing financial assistance or otherwise for undertaking surveys and feasibility studies, participation in enquiry capital through joint ventures and other reliefs and subsidy schemes;
    Registration of persons as exporters of the scheduled products on payment of such fees as may be prescribed;
    Fixing of standards and specifications for the scheduled products for the purpose of exports;
    Carrying out inspection of meat and meat products in slaughter houses, processing plants, storage premises, conveyances or other places where such products are kept or handled for the purpose of ensuring the quality of such products;
    Improving of packaging of the Scheduled products;
    Improving of marketing of the Scheduled products outside India;
    Promotion of export oriented production and development of the Scheduled products;
    Collection of statistics from the owners of factories or establishments engaged in the production, processing, packaging, marketing or export of the scheduled products or from such other persons as may be prescribed on any matter relating to the scheduled products and publication of the statistics so collected or of any portions thereof or extracts therefrom;
    Training in various aspects of the industries connected with the scheduled products;
    Such other matters as may be prescribed.



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    Registration Process

    For registering under APEDA, the applicant should submit the application form within 1 month from the date of undertaking the business. If the exporter of scheduled products fails to register within that time limit due to sufficient cause, such date can be extended only by the Authority.

    Once the application duly filed and paid by the applicant, the authority will issue Registration -Cum- Membership- Certificate (RCMC). This registration is one-time registration and all the registered members are governed by the rules & regulations under APEDA Act

    Documents are required for registration

    The advantage of APEDA Registration

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    An APEDA registration certificate is a mandatory requirement if you are an exporter of agricultural products and you wish to carry out carrying out the export of agri-products covered under APEDA.
    1. With respect to the export of scheduled products, APEDA registration is mandatory.
    2. Exporters can avail the various financial assistance schemes of APEDA.
    3. It helps the exporters in brand publicity through advertisement, packaging development, database up-gradation and surveys etc
    4. Provides guidelines to exporters about the various products and countries for export
    5. Registered members can participate in training programmes organized by APEDA for various scheduled products and thereby improve their business.
    The APEDA certificate is valid for 5 years. The exporter needs to apply for renewing his APEDA certificate after every 5 years.
    You can get APEDA registration, using our expert services which would make your work easier and save time. This service would cost you Rs.1,999 onwards only.
    If you produce agri-products and wish to export these products, then it is mandatory to get it registered under APEDA.
    • The registration can be cancelled by the authority upon:
    • Furnishing false information.
    • Breach of rules by the registering authority.
    • Breach of conditions imposed in the certificate of registration.
    • Failure to export the scheduled product for 12 consecutive months
    After submitting all the requisite documents it will be allotted by APEDA in 7-15 days.
    Once issued, the APEDA certificate remains valid up to 5 years.

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)

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