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RNI Registration

RNI Registration Form

    Personal information:

    Overview of RNI Registration

    To set-up a newspaper, journal or printed publication, the owners are required to obtain an RNI registration from the Registrar of the Newspapers. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting controls and frames rules for the RNI under the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867. Before starting a business of Paper, Publication, Journals, etc., the approval of RNI is required. The essential of RNI Registration are given below: –

    • Collection and also maintenance of a Register of Newspapers.
    • Issue of Certificate of Registration to the papers
    • Confirming circulation claims and also other non-statutory functions.

    Publishers who require RNI Registration

    Any Indian or Foreign entity entering into a Publishing sector in India would require RNI Registration. Also, any form of editorials and magazine publication would require RNI Registration.

    Below mentioned Publishers require RNI Registration: –

    Indian Newspaper

    All the manufacturers of allopathic, cosmetics, ayurvedic products or any other medications or drugs as specified under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940. This is the state license that is issued by the particular state government where the unit is situated.


    Any form of editorial even in the newspaper editorial would require to have a RNI Registration.


    Any form of magazine, in any language would require to have the RNI Registration.

    Foreign Newspaper

    Any foreign newspaper company or entity who seeks to publish their newspaper in India would have to take RNI Registration to start their publications.

    Responsibilities Performed by RNI

    Various responsibilities and functions are performed by the RNI. Below-mentioned is the list of the responsibilities carried out by RNI: –



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    Basic Requisites for RNI Registration

    There are few things to be considered to adjudicate the basic requirements for RNI Registration, which are as follows: –

    • The name of the publisher
    • Printer
    • Editor and owner
    • Address of the place of publication
    • Name and address of the printing press
    • Issue number and Volume number
    • A remarkable display of title on the cover page and all pages
    • Date-mark and the Page number.

    Benefits Associated with RNI Registration for Journal Publication

    There are important benefits associated with the RNI Registration for Journal Publication, which are as follows: –

    Proper Compliance

    Any registered company or entity in the business of publication of newspaper, magazine, etc. have to comply with the Press and Registration of Books Act and the rules made thereunder.

    Protection to the title

    Ny RNI Registration the publishing company or any publisher will get the protection of title because protection of title is very important in the publishing sector.

    Protection against third-party claim

    Apart from protection to the ownership and title, the register published would also enjoy the protection against any false third-party claims. Any form of copyright issues is also protected under this form of registration.


    RNI Registration secures some form of recognition of the registered company or entity in business of newspaper and publication in India.

    Documents required for RNI Registration

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    Before Registration

    Documents Related to Company or Proprietorship

    After Registration

    Procedure for RNI Registration

    The RNI registration process has been divided into two parts-


    Verification of Title

    Before applying for RNI registration, the title of the Newspaper needs to be verified by the RNI. It is the very initial as well as the vital step for RNI Registration. The verification is done to assure the accessibility of the title and to stay resolved in the future. Once the verification is done, the potential individual or company can start the registration process which is as follows-

    An application shall be submitted along with the requisite application-

    • Name of the newspaper along with the Owner’s Name.
    • Language in which the newspaper shall be published
    • Tenure.
    • Particulars of the area of Publication.

    A maximum of 5 options can be given for the title along with the significance of the title name.

    The Words Which Cannot Be Used in The Title to Be Verified Are

    • Channel
    • Book
    • Abbreviation of words
    • Gazette
    • Religious overtones
    • Obscene language
    • Head of government functionaries

    The particulars submitted to the concerned District Magistrate must be accurate. The District Magistrate verify these qualifications and forwards the application to the RNI. Accordingly, to alert the District Magistrate and author regarding the title accessibility, a letter of title authentication is issued by the RNI.

    Before, releasing the newspaper, a declaration is required to be submitted by the publisher with the District Magistrate. RTI Confirmation can also be received online. Apply with the authentic information to the District Magistrate. Application and submission can be made both online and offline


    Registration with RNI Authorities

    There are three steps for registration with RNI Authorities (registration of title):

    • Validation of Declaration

    After receiving the title confirmation letter from the RNI, it must be present to the respective authority in addition to the appropriate Declaration (Form-I) for verification.

    Separate declarations from both publishers as well as a printer are needed if the publisher, as well as printer, is different people. Once the declaration has been authenticated the first issue of the newspaper should be brought.

    • Publication

    The Press and Registration of Books Act 1867 states that-

    1. The first issue needs to be added within 42 days of validation of affirmation if the periodicity of publication is on every day or regular basis.
    2. If the periodicity is fortnightly or above, the first issue needs to be highlighted within 90 days of verification of affirmation. The publication must be printed in the press mentioned in the declaration.
    3. In the situation of multiple language publications, the particulars, and articles, etc. need to be initiated in the languages stated.
    • Certificate of Registration By RNI

    If all the requisite steps duly comply and documents are satisfactory then the authority will issue a RNI Certificate along with the registration.

    LegalVidur Assistance in obtaining RNI Registration

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting frame the rules for the RNI as per the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867.
    The RNI is entrusted with the Compilation and maintenance of a Register of Newspapers issued by the Press Registrar.
    The RNI office was settled as a result of the suggestion of the First Press Commission which in its report submitted to the Government of India in 1954 had suggested the Constitution of a statutory authority responsible for the collection of reliable statistics regarding the Press in India.
    The District Magistrate furnishes a copy of the declaration.
    Enter the Registration Number Minimum 2 and Maximum 15 characters required. Only letter, hyphens, and numbers are allowed.
    Definitely Yes, there are various reasons why publishers decide to run an online magazine, as it helps in creating an extra revenue stream to further monetize content.
    • Register your publication for e-filing of Annual Statement at Using the 'New Registration' option above-
    • Take a print-out of the template for the C.A. certificate form by Clicking here. However,C.A certificate is not required to take out the print of Publisher's Declaration by Clicking here.
    • Fill the downloaded FORM duly signed by thePublisher and C.A.
    • Login into the e-filing application.
    • Upload the Publisher Declaration form.
    • Fill form “Form II” and “Annexure” (in case of daily publications) by using the Registration • Number of the Publication and Password.
    • Take the print-out of the e-filed Annual Statement and keep it as a receipt for any future reference.
    • Verification of title
    • Authentication of declaration.
    • Publication of Volume.
    • Submission of Documents to RNI for Registration.
    • Proper Compliances.
    • Protection against 3rd Party claim.
    • Protection to the title.
    • Authentication and Recognition.
    • Channel
    • Book
    • Abbreviation of words
    • Gazette
    • Religious overtones
    • Obscene language
    • Head of government functionaries
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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)

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