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Family ID

The Parivar Pehchan Patra scheme, known as PPP, has been launched in Haryana.
The process of applying for Haryana Parivar Pehchan Patra is now completely
smooth and easy. This scheme was launched by the Chief Minister of
Haryana, Mr. Manohar Lal Khattar. This scheme has been prepared to provide
identity cards to the entire family. Online applications are now being accepted for
Haryana Parivar Pehchan Patra Family ID on Mera Parivar Portal.

Objective of Haryana Parivar Pehchan Patra Scheme:

Aadhar card shows the identity of a person, but the main role of this scheme
is that all the families in Haryana will get the identity card.
• Through this identity card, you will be able to collect the data of the whole
• About 54 lakh families have been covered under this scheme. This scheme is
beneficial only for the people in Haryana.
• The government is preparing to open 500 family identity card station centers
going forward.

The use of an Aadhar card is mandatory under this scheme.

Benefits of Family Identity Card Haryana

Under this scheme, the data of all the families will be collected. Benefits are
available as per the age eligibility of the members of the families. All the data will
be uploaded to the portal. Through this information, you will be able to check
which member has got the benefit of which scheme.
• In this scheme, all the officials will be able to identify the beneficiaries. In this
way, the applicants will get the benefits of the schemes.
• Software technology has been used for this scheme. With the help of this, you
will be able to get all the information sitting in one place.
• If any kind of change or correction has to be done for the error, then you do
not have to go to any center for it. The portal will automatically upload and
organize all your information.
• In Haryana, the benefit of an old pension and all other types of money can be
taken only through Family Identity Card.
• If a girl gets married, then the name of the girl will be removed from the
father’s family and added to the husband’s family from the portal.

Haryana Family ID Apply :

Documents and information required to fill Haryana Family ID Online Application
Aadhar card
Mobile number
Ration Card (Optional)

Steps of Applying Family ID:

• First, you have to click on the given portal
• Here you will get the option – Family Details Update where you can update
your family details.
• Then a pop-up window appears “click yes or no” if you know your Family ID
• Fill in your Family ID to the next page (or if you forget your ID then you can
easily check it by using your Adhar no.)
If there is no default data available then freshly Register your ID:
• On the home page, fill Aadhar card no. of any family member, then click on
For newly registration click on the “register” button
• A fresh form will get appeared and then fill in all the required details correctly.
Then click on Submit button to submit your form.
• On the next page, check all the details carefully. Then click on Print PPT Form
• A final form will be generated and after that match all the filled information.
• At the bottom of the form, there you will find an option to Upload the
For this,
• Print the form
• The Head of the family has to be signed on that and then scanned the
You will get a message as Data Saved Successfully. Hence, you have filled out
your form correctly and your Family ID has been generated successfully

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Apply for Family ID

      * For Rs. 299

    What is Family ID?

    In Haryana, the family identification card system-Parivar Pehchan Patra launched by Mr. Manohar Lal Khattar, Haryana’s Chief Minister. The application process is now absolutely smooth beneath this scheme, every family of Haryana given a 14-digit unique identification number.

    Mera Parivar Meri Pehchan is to provide the entire family with identification cards. These family identification cards are going to be ready for joint and separate families. To use beneath Haryana family identification theme, you no need to visit any office.

    Online applications for Haryana Parivar Pehchan Patra (Family ID) accepted on Mera Parivar Portal. You’ll be able to apply to urge your id card sitting reception through this portal. You will understand in depth the application process and other details in this report.

    Documents Required

    Uses of Parivar Pechchan Patra Haryana

    Under this system, data will be obtained from all households.

    • All available data will be submitted to the portal according to the family members’ age and qualifications.
    • Through this process, you will verify which participant has earned the advantage of which method.
    • With this program, it would be easier for officials to identify the beneficiaries.
    • The applicants will thus get profit from the schemes.
    • For this system, used software technology.
    • With this help, sitting in one location, you will be able to get all the details.
    • If it is to fix any change or problem, you should not go to any center for it. The portal will automatically connect all your details and upload them.
    • In Haryana, it is only possible to benefit from old pensions and all other forms of pensions through a family identity card.
    • If a girl gets married, then the girl’s name is deleted from the father’s family portal and added to the husband’s family.



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    Purpose of the Mera Parivar Meri Pehchan Scheme

    The Aadhaar card shows a person’s identity, but now it is an essential part of this system that identity cards will be issued to all Haryana families. You will be able to obtain the entire family’s data via this identification card. Under this program, 54 lakh families have been covered. This system is useful Only for the people of Haryana. The state is planning to open 500 registration centers for family identification cards later. Under this method, it is mandatory to use the Aadhaar card.


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