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What is IREPS?

IREPS, short for Indian Railways E-Procurement System, is the official web application of Indian Railways designed for the procurement of materials and the auction of scrap and unserviceable materials. The application is accessible through the web address and was developed by CRIS, which stands for Centre for Railway Information System.

Key features of the IREPS application include:

⦁ PKI (Digital Signature) based Web application of Indian Railways, log in through dual authentication (1st: user ID and password, 2nd: Digital Signature Certificate).

⦁ Connections are encrypted using AES_256_CBS VeriSign SSL Certificate.

⦁ Time Synchronization for all servers with IST (Indian Standard Time) acquired from NPL (National Physical Laboratory)

⦁ IREPS follows the IT Act 2000 and the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Railways for the procurement of materials

⦁ Security aspects of the IREPS application have been tested by STQC (Standardisation Testing and Quality

Certification Directorate is an attached office of the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Government of India)

⦁ Online Payment Services through SBI (State Bank of India)

⦁ Services offered on the IREPS application include E-Tender (Supply Tenders, Global Tenders, M&P Tenders, etc.), E-Auction, Reverse Auction, Contract Tracking, etc.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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