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ISO Certificate


ISO Stands for International Organization for Standardization. The official headquarters of ISO is situated in Geneva, Switzerland. It is an Independent Non-Government Organization and there is no link with the government. ISO wants to make a similar process for all the countries but it is not possible at all because 162 countries are a member of ISO out of 204 countries in the world. Whenever you buy a good quality product or service, there is always an ISO certificate attached to the business place or profile of the company. Certain certifications are required to maintain the reputation of the company and an ISO certificate is one of them. ISO certificate can take your business further, it improves your business process system and reduces your overall cost. The national body awarding ISO consists of quality experts. When you apply for ISO, the expert team conducts the survey at your location. These people check your working process and check the working system and the start-to-end process. From filing work to staff management, labor management and improving working efficiency. They don’t care what kind of product you make, they only care about the process. When a product is made by following all the systems and international procedures, it becomes one hundred percent good. When you approach a body for an ISO certification, it provides training to you and your employees on system process improvement. It takes the work process of your organization to the level where your work process becomes the level of an international work process and then your organization is audited. If your score is met in the audit, you are given an ISO certificate. This shows that your product is made only after following the international process.

Maintaining the process

This is fully guaranteed as the quality auditors of the accreditation body visit your organization to audit the documentation process every year, in which the data and the process are checked. Your ISO certificate is revoked if you do not maintain the data and records. They also conduct random audits sometimes to see if they have authenticated you, so whether you comply with all the criteria or not. If you don’t, then your certificate is revoked. ISO certification is not a measure of the quality of a product, it merely certifies the process.

ISO Standards


There are some key benefits of ISO certifications; such as:

  • As time is passing, man is also changing, man demands quality in everything and ISO is the measure of the quality of products or services.
  • It improves the quality of the product or service
  • It helps to give 100% satisfaction to the customer
  • You can create your new market in the face of competition
  • It helps your business to grow more.
  • If you want to sell your product in the international market, you need to get ISO certificate
  • For taking government tender, the organization must be ISO certified.
  • If you want to sell any product or service to the government, then your organization must be ISO certified
  • It also helps to increase the brand equity of your business

Our experts of Legal Vidur specialize in supporting SMEs in India with their ISO certification requirements and provides a simple, cost-effective service.

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