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The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) was established by the Government of India under the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act passed by the Parliament in December 1985. This association provides the benefit of the export facility to food exporters, farmers, and food entrepreneurs to export food items from India. The main objective of APEDA is to promote the development of scheduled products and avails the export facility. APEDA comes under the apex body of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. It provides various information to the farmers such as it shows data on commodity prices, information related to government assistance, and market information related to demand and supply which helps the farmers to decide which is the best agricultural product for farming. Food standards guidelines have been created under which you can prepare food products that will successfully cope and compete with the global market. It provides various types of financial assistance schemes and subsidies to exporters for the development of export infrastructure and market development activities.

Key Functions of APEDA

The following functions have been assigned to APEDA Authorities:

  • The products specified under the APEDA ACT are called schedule products.
  • This includes the development of scheduled products
  • All the exporters of the scheduled products need to register themselves with APEDA
  • Development of scheduled products and promotion of export-oriented production. Also, the responsibility of monitoring sugar imports has been entrusted to APEDA.
  • It provides financial assistance to the farmers and SHGs (Self Help Groups).
  • It sets standards and specifications for scheduled products.
  • Payment of requisite fee for the registration of exporters of scheduled products
  • Packaging improvements and enhancements in the marketing of scheduled products
  • Inspecting the products to ensure the quality of such products
  • Provides training for scheduled products in various aspects of industries
  • It is responsible for conducting surveys, feasibility studies, etc.
  • Collect data from owners of establishments and publication of such statistics

APEDA – Scheduled Products

The products which are listed under APEDA registration are as follows-

  1. Fruits, Vegetables and their Products.
  2. Meat and Meat Products.
  3. Poultry and Poultry Products.
  4. Dairy Products.
  5. Confectionery, Biscuits, and Bakery Products.
  6. Honey, Jaggery, and Sugar Products.
  7. Cocoa and its products, chocolates of all kinds.
  8. Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages.
  9. Cereal and Cereal Products.
  10. Groundnuts, Peanuts, and Walnuts.
  11. Pickles, Papads, and Chutneys.
  12. Guar Gum.
  13. Floriculture and Floriculture Products.

Herbal and Medicinal Plants

APEDA Registration

Applicants should submit APEDA Registration Application within 1 month from undertaking the business. APEDA Licence issued with the lifetime validity until the authority canceled it. Under the APEDA Act, rules and regulations are governed by all registered members.

There are some steps to register on APEDA:

  1. Visit the official website of APEDA and sign-up (click on the ‘Registered as Member’ link on the homepage)
  2. The basic details should be required for Signing up such as IEC Code, Mobile Number and E-Mail ID
  3. A One-Time-Password will be sent on a registered E-Mail ID or Mobile Number to confirm the details provided by the exporter.
  4. Submit the OTP on the verification screen
  5. Get a Signed APEDA form
  6. Attach a Copy of the Import/Export Code (IEC) issued by the Director-General of Foreign Trade (DGFT).
  7. Attach the Bank Certificate duly signed by the Authority
  8. The exporter may submit the application fees of Rs. 5000 + 18% GST. So the total amount that should be paid for the registration is Rs. 5900.

Documents Required

APEDA Registration process required documents as follows:

  1. Properly filled and signed an application form
  2. A copy of the Import-Export code issued by D.G.F.T.
  3. Bank Certificate properly signed by the authorities
  4. Bank account statements for the last 2 months.
  5. A Canceled cheque

Advantages of APEDA Registration:

  • APEDA registration is important for the export of the scheduled products.
  • Various financial assistance schemes of APEDA can be availed by the exporters.
  • This License helps the exporters in brand promotion through advertisement, the development of packaging, upgrading the database and surveys, etc
  • It provides food standard guidelines that may allow exporters to manage the supply of various products and countries for export
  • Training programs have been organized by APEDA for various scheduled products in which Registered members can participate and improve their businesses.

Register your export business on APEDA at Legal VIdur, For exporters of scheduled agriculture and processed food, the registration under APEDA is mandatory.

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